Re: Planet X: RECENT Articles 3
In Article <[email protected]> Chris Franks wrote:
> Tom is correct. You can see the result at
> when we went
> to Nancy's dwelling 4 years ago with our telescopes to try to show
> her that Hale Bopp was a comet, not a NASA hoax.
ZetaTalk stated a FULL YEAR prior to that, in June 1996, that the dots
had been connected from the fading nova to a REAL comet, called
Hale-Bopp. Please read the actual statements of the Zetas on Hale-Bopp,
laid out by date for easy reference at
Take a check on where all these almost daily Changes in the
Ephemerides are leading, astronomers of the world, as
they are leading right to where a face saving comet that's a
REAL comet is coming from.
ZetaTalk, dated June 17, 1996
If you say, at dawn, that the sun comes up from the east, and then in
the evening I quote you saying "Har, har, har, snicker, snicker, look!
The sun is in the WEST and she said it was in the EAST" then you are
creating a false impression. Deliberately, I'm sure, as Chriss claim
to fame is that he threw a party at my house and I refused to come.
(Snicker, snicker, snicker.)
Apparently Chis thinks that REAL things cant be part of a hoax. This
NASA hoax was a REAL nova, a REAL comet, a STORY that they were the same
thing, a FAKE contorted orbit when the dots were connected to connect
the nova to the REAL comet they had lined up for this fraud, and then a
REAL comet at the end. Thus a comet (the nova) outgassed farther out
than any ever had, and per the ESO had no comet emissions at that time.
European Southern Observatory
25 August 1995
The ESO observations are of many different types and
have involved many observers. At the 15-metre
Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST), Albert
Nummelin, Anne-Marie Lagrange and Thierry Forveille
searched on August 3-4 and 9-10 for emissions from the
CO molecule. According to one theory, CO gas may
possibly be the driving agent that is responsible for
`lifting' dust particles off a comet's nucleus when it is
more than about 750 million kilometres from the Sun.
However, no emission from CO was seen to the sensitivity
limit of these observations, thus placing important
constraints on the proposed mechanism.
Normally, CN is one of the first gaseous molecules to be
detected in the coma of comets approaching the Sun. For
instance, in Comet Halley, emissions from CN were first
seen at a heliocentric distance of about 725 million
kilometres. It would therefore be of great interest to learn
whether CN is already now present in the coma of Comet
Hale-Bopp. Spectroscopic observations with the ESO
1.5-metre telescope were performed by Anne-Marie
Lagrange, Jean Luc Beuzit, Stephane Guisard and
Pierpaolo Bonfanti on August 3-4 and 9-10. They have
now been reduced and do not show any such emission. At
the present distance of the comet from the Sun, the
temperature is too low for water ice (the major component
of cometary nuclei) to evaporate efficiently, and with the
non-detection of CO and CN, the driving gas that has
produced the well visible dust cloud around the nucleus of
Comet Hale-Bopp is still unknown.
Then the comet (now just an orbit being drawn in sky, connecting the
dots between the orbit and a real comet located by the NEAT program)
stopped outgassing for over a year.
The problem of automatic image detection have
previously been solved by the Spacewatch program
at Kitt Peak (Tom Gehrels et al.). Recognition of
main-belt objects and the measurement of accurate
positions is entirely automatic. The NEAT program
(a joint undertaking of the Jet Propulsion Lab and
the U.S. Air Force) is similarly able to do things
automatically. These two programs produce a lot of
positions each month (15000+) and it would not be
possible to identify and measure so many objects
manually. You can check out links to both programs
via the Minor Planet Center's NEO Page:
Gareth Williams, Minor Planet Center
This orbit manipulation caused the JPL to have the comet leaping away
from Jupiter when it passed that gravitational giant
Perturb Away from Jupiter
On May 28, '96 JPL posted new orbital elements for HB, which
when placed into my Skymap program come up the a RA
and Dec for that date of
May 28, '96 RA: 19h31m44s Dec: 15.9.20 S
Presumably HB was observed to be there, else why the need to
correct NASA's Feb 22, '96 orbital elements. Then on June
27, '96 JPL came back and posted new orbital elements.
Presumably they had observed HB changing position, and thus
the need for new elements. When I place the June 27, '96
elements into my Skymap and compare the RA and Dec to where
the observed position of HB on May 28, '96 would have placed
it, I find the mythical HB moving firther away from Jupiter, at
a time when it is passing Jupiter.
May 28, '96 RA: 19h0m10s Dec: 12.21.35 S
Jun 27, '96 RA: 19h0m9s Dec: 12.17.4 S
Do comets lurch away from their perturbing influences, the giant
No wonder the Hubble pictures were withheld
Article: <[email protected]>
From: skip <[email protected]>
Subject: [ART] Hale Bopp Weirdness Update
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 11:59:59 +700
Well, another month has gone by and still no pictures of the
comet from the Hubble Space Telescope. The only picture from
HST of the comet is from October of LAST YEAR! Many
pictures of the comet from earth-based scopes were were
'accidently deleted' from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory site
and although they promised to replace them, the last picture
posted there is from May. They have 130 pictures from between
July and October of last year and only 5 between February
and May of this year. And after May - NONE! Compare this to
the smaller and much less spectacular comet from last year
(Hayukatake) which has 1000 pictures on the JPL site.
Something very strange is going on here. See for yourself:
Hale-Bopp image archive:
Hyakutake image archive:
Many astronomers seem to think that Hale Bopp is the
brightest comet to come around since the 1500's. How come
I can't find one recent (Fall 96) picture of Hale Bopp through
a large telescope? The pictures through small telescopes
that are available look very strange. Check out these
pictures take by amateur astronomers on Sky And
Telescope Magazine's website:
If anyone sees any pictures of HaleBopp from this fall
through a large telescope on the net somewhere, please
send me the link. Thanks.
Then the orbit was connected to a REAL comet which was about to become
visible by outgassing, and Chris, apparently asleep up until then and
looking for a claim to fame, decided to throw a party at my house.
(Snicker, snicker, snicker.)