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Re: Shepherds of the Sheep of sci.astro

In Article <[email protected]> Dale Gombert
> Her site *still* maintains that the object we've all seen and
> watched and photographed was a "supernova", as per her
> web site a few moments ago:

At the start of the Hale-Bopp episode, that’s what was being pointed to,
and the ESO agreed that this object, supposedly a comet and thus
outgassing farther out than comets are know to do, had no comet
emissions.  Later, the orbit that JPL was computing for us was lined up
with a real comet located by the NEAT program before this attempt to get
the public looking AWAY from Orion in 1995 was started.  Just why is it
that Hubble pictures of Hale-Bopp were not available to the public?
What was the secret?  Here’s what the page at the URL above states, with
a quote below also from the ESO findings in 1995.

Hale-Bopp page at
“Zetas have called this a False Comet touted to distract a potentially
frightened populace from the 12th Planet's approach, and have stated
that Hale-Bopp in late July, 1995 was in fact an exploding star since
the appearance of Hale-Bopp looked more like a supernova than a comet.
You decide, as here are the Definitions and what astronomers are 
reporting on the massive Size that Hale-Bopp suddenly assumed, the 
Stellar appearance that Hale-Bopp presents, the total lack of 
comet Emissions coming from Hale-Bopp, the lack of a significant Orbit,
and now the fact that Hale-Bopp is to be Hidden before its time! ... “

“The orbit of Hale-Bopp has been constantly adjusted for perturbations
that are never explained. The Zetas warned that the orbit was being
manipulated to line up with a real comet located by the NEAT Program. ..

[This] caused the orbit to Zig-Zag in the process and even Perturb Away
from Jupiter as it passed this gravitational giant, but the significant
Orbit Rig was was to tighten the eccentricity and the distance to the
Sun at perihelion without reason or explaination. By November, 1996 it
had become apparent that NASA and JPL were Hiding Hale-Bopp pictures.
The Hubble pictures of Hale-Bopp had been given exclusivly to a
Principal Investigator. A 13 Month Period had passed without any Hubble
pictures of Hale-Bopp made available to the public, in contract to comet
Hyakutake in 1996 which had these pictures immediately available to the
public. ...”
European Southern Observatory
25 August 1995
“The ESO observations are of many different types and have involved many
observers.  At the 15-metre Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST), 
Albert Nummelin, Anne-Marie Lagrange and Thierry Forveille searched on 
August 3-4 and 9-10 for emissions from the CO molecule.  According to one 
theory, CO gas may possibly be the driving agent that is responsible 
for `lifting' dust particles off a comet's nucleus when it is more than
about 750 million kilometres from the Sun.  However, no emission from CO 
was seen to the sensitivity limit of these observations, thus placing 
important constraints on the proposed mechanism.”

“Normally, CN is one of the first gaseous molecules to be detected in
the coma of comets approaching the Sun.  For instance, in Comet Halley,
emissions from CN were first seen at a heliocentric distance of about
725 million kilometres.  It would therefore be of great interest to
learn whether CN is already now present in the coma of Comet Hale-Bopp.
Spectroscopic observations with the ESO 1.5-metre telescope were
performed by Anne-Marie Lagrange, Jean Luc Beuzit, Stephane Guisard and
Pierpaolo Bonfanti on August 3-4 and 9-10.  They have now been reduced
and do not show any such emission. At the present distance of the comet
from the Sun, the temperature is too low for water ice (the major
component of cometary nuclei) to evaporate efficiently, and with the
non-detection of CO and CN, the driving gas that has produced the well
visible dust cloud around the nucleus of Comet Hale-Bopp is still